John Pierson

MSEnvE, Georgia Institute of Technology, Environmental Engineering: 1990-1993
BS, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, Engineering: 1979-1983
Research Expertise
Environmental treatment technologies; wastewater treatment; water and water reuse; stormwater; solid waste; protein conversion plants; odorous compounds 

Selected Publications
UV Disinfection System (US Patents 7,001,571; 7,507,370

Cyclic Fitration System filtration system [US Patent 10,646,828 B2, May 12, 2020]

Pierson, J., Rasmussen, T., and B. Bell. (2011). Storm Water from Industrial Activity: Correlation of TSS and Fecal Coliform for Storm Water Outfalls at Poultry Processing Facilities in Georgia.  Final Report to Georgia EPD, Atlanta, Georgia.

Tezel, U., J. A. Pierson, and S. G. Pavlostathis. 2008. Effect of Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride on Nitrate Reduction in a Mixed Methanogenic Culture. Water Science & Technology57:541-546.

Tezel, U., Pierson, J. A., and S. G. Pavlostathis, Effect of Polyelectrolytes and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds on the Anaerobic Biological Treatment of Poultry Processing Wastewater. Water Research (2007) doi:10.1016/jwatres.2006.12.005.

Tezel, U., Pierson, J. A., and S. G. Pavlostathis, Fate and Effect of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds on a Mixed Methanogenic Culture. Water Research (2006), 40, 3660-3668.

Pierson, J. and S. Pavlostathis, 1999. “Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Sequencing Batch Reactors for Secondary Treatment of Poultry Processing Wastewaters,” Water Environment Research, 72(5): 585-592. 49:727-733.

Awards & Honors
Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)

2018 ACEC Georgia Volunteer of the Year

2020 Georgia Engineer of the Year for Industry

Professional Activities
Technical Program Co-Chair, 2022 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 5-8, 2022, Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia Section, American Society of Civil Engineers

President-Elect, Georgia Section

Practitioner Advisor, Kennesaw State University Student ASCE Chapter

Pre-College Outreach Activities

Member, Water Environment Federation (WEF)

Member, International Association for Food Protection

Registered Professional Engineer, State of Georgia

John Pierson

Principal Research Engineer

404-407-8839 | Email